Dear users!

I very bad know the English language and consequently I bring to you the

apologies for errors, which you will find on my   site

Everything, that you will find on my site, laboriously was going and was scanned during many years. Much was obtained by me from internet, but in difference from other authors not the references there here lie, I do not know where, and ready resources(safe lifes).

Intentionally I do not apply any copy protections, since all contents my site are obtained from open sources, and to me does not belong.  

That now (and then) without problems to use these resources(safe lifes), it is necessary to you to have the computer 486 - 120 Mhz or above, 16 mb of memory, ~10 mb of a disk space, SVGA (256 colours) videoadapter, a sound card (optional), WINDOWS 95, MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER versions 4.0 or are higher,   Any text editor (WINWORD) for reading *.TXT and * DOC files, ADOBE ACROBAT READER of version 3.0 or above for survey of files of the circuits (schemes), books ith the extension  *. PDF

For survey of files with the *.DJV extension you need the program "DJVU Shop 2.0", who which you download at me or on site of the developer :  There you will find more instruction .

For survey and listing of the circuits (schemes) of teleradio equipment I advise to apply ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, COREL DRAW, or anyone other grafics viewer, ACDSEE or SEEA for example. Almost all circuits (schemes) have a A3 paper format , and  they be scanned with overlapping of 5 -10 mm,   Therefore they are much more convenient for printing out and then to paste together, than simply to look on a screen.

All files and programs are represented as "exe" SFX- archives, simply start  them and all...

        You may download here   sasoft.gif (21033 bytes)   The distribution kits ACROBAT READER.

The passwords for installation it is not required.


        You may download here  sasoft.gif (21033 bytes)   The distribution kits   ACDSEE _ 95.

The passwords for installation  it is not required.


        You may download here  sasoft.gif (21033 bytes)   The distribution kits    Irfan View.        

The passwords for installation it is not required.


        You may download here  sasoft.gif (21033 bytes)   The distribution kits   DJVU Shop 2.0.         

The passwords for installation it is not required.

Good     luck!